Saturday, October 11, 2008

well hello there!

so anyways I am at work ...... for 48hrs and I miss my wife and kids. it is funny I still get excited to call her up and say hi wife! I am bummed the Angels lost to the filthy effin Red Socks.....again. honestly good luck to all the fans of teams still in the chase for the world series trophy! ..... except the red socks hahahaha.
end o blog

Monday, September 29, 2008

DJ at work

Love this photo from my hubby (I really like saying that) at work. Especially his ring.

School Days with Bailey

With some of her friends.
Her new super-cute outfit with Roses all over the skirt (of course).

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Breakfast by my Hubby

Awww, so sweet (and yummy)!

Stormy days in Yuma

These are just some awesome clouds we saw out at the base while a storm was rolling in.

My new Family..

Im so thankful for my new and complete family. After 8 years, we are finally 1

OMG - Aren't they cute??!!

Our girls....

Photo by Ryan.  More from our family session later.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

testing testing ....1...2...3....

this is a blog test and only a test.

or not either way I guess it could be an offical blog entery if I type some things in here .... I just want to say thank you to my wife Rose for this awesome idea of a family blog and I hope we get many years of enjoyment out of it. thank you for stoping in!
end o blog

Sand Dunes - January 2008

Yay! I found a photo from January. I had SO much fun!

--Rose Koogler

In the Beginning.....

August 19, 2008, 2:21 p.m., Princess Castle at Disneyland:

Technically, not the real beginning, but the beginning of our family! We really got our start 23 or so years ago while in high school in Yuma, AZ. Actually, we discovered that we played together as children way before that but I don't think we are ever going to find any pictures from those times. Anyways, in January 2008 DJ took me out to the sand dunes in the bug. Yeah, he kissed me, as he had a couple times in the past. I don't know what was different about this time except that maybe God decided he was ready for us to be together. So, that's the summary of our "love story". I hope that we fill this blog with lots of other good times that we share as a family.

-Rose Koogler